Acosta Raul

Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy | Denver, CO | 11th Grade

Inspirational Family Member
My Mother

 I turned 18 in 2005 and was eligible to vote then, however, my first time voting didn’t occur until 2008. The recession had just begun so it was a stressful time for our nation. There was an immense fear of terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, for anyone who “looked Middle Eastern” the fear of harassment and violence intensified. I can’t say that has changed to this day, unfortunately.

This goes back to when women couldn't vote because in the recession they could have cancelled the contract and nothing would have mattered. During this time it seemed like a lot of division was happening between the republicans and democrats. Either you were on Obama’s side or you weren’t. There was no middle ground. Regrettably, as a young adult I wasn’t really paying attention to what was happening globally. I can only recollect what was happening nationally, from my perspective.  As I’ve gotten older, the importance of voting has also grown. I’ve learned and experienced the detrimental effects corporate money has had on politics and the future of this nation. Researching which corporations have donated money to individuals running for office has become just as important to me as the right to vote. If women didn't have the right to vote everything would be different. For example, a nation that treats any human as a second-class citizen is divesting itself. The more diversity and inclusion you create the more effective you will become at solving and managing the ongoing issues a nation will face. To ignore half of a nation’s population would be foolish, as it is to ignore the most vulnerable populations. Real progress, as a nation, will never be made by doing this. This country has a history of strategically oppressing the vote and power of minorities, women, and those living in poverty. I hope that continues to change for the better, in my lifetime.

Historical Figure I Admire
Susan B. Anthony

Mixed Media Drawing

What the Project Means to Me

Reflecting back on the interview and the research it seemed like women would always be feeling lesser than or discriminated against.  An example is that in the family interview my aunty stated that “Unfortunately, for anyone who “looked middle eastern” the fear of harassment and violence intensified.” That connects to back then because men only had a say and no one else, which was discrimination. For example, men were the only ones allowed to vote, which means that half of the world population was dead to the government. This leads to should voting matter for all humans? I believe that yes, because if today's world would only be controlled by men everything would be different. For example, women would get less pay but with harder jobs and wouldn’t have a say on issues important to them. Also women would not be able to own their own property if this amendment hadn’t passed.

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