Olney Friends School

Karyn Riccelli, Lead & Art Teacher

Barnesville , OH | 11th

"I really enjoyed teaching the class and providing a platform for the students to explore their own personal history. I think my students felt the process was empowering."


Great-Grandmother Maud

Great-Grandmother Maud

By Botsalano Makgabo

In 1994, it was the turning point in South African history. All people of color were finally granted their right to vote. Generally, it was an emotional and incredibly exciting moment for the country.   READ MORE +


Sissy, My Great-Grandmother

Sissy, My Great-Grandmother

By Rey Sadoff

She was an advocate of gender equality and believed in women's ability to do the same jobs men did just as well, if not better.
Lucy Burns

Lucy Burns

By Stella Riesbeck

Her time in jail was greater than any other suffragette of the time.

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